Thursday, May 1, 2014

Boost your Metabolism and Loose weight with Juicing

Juicing 101,  tips for getting more fruits and veggies in your diet

There is no doubt that juicing holds the benefits of increasing our fruit and vegetable concentration in the diet not to mention all the great minerals and vitamins it provides; I am always recommending daily smoothies to patients because they are a easy and simple way to up your intake of high quality and nutritious food. They also make you feel positive towards starting your day off with something nutritious and healthy

Which fruits and vegetables should you juice? 

There are no rules on what and what not to juice but there are a few guidelines that are useful to follow. First of all it's better to juice vegetables than it is to juice fruit. This is because fruits are much higher in sugar and when they are juiced the sugar is isolated from the fruit fiber. When isolated sugar is consumed it enters our blood stream much faster because it does not have the fiber to help slow it's absorption. High spikes in blood sugar are not good for our bodies ability to maintain a consistent blood sugar level and can lead to issues such as insulin resistance and diabetes. Stick to juicing fresh vegetables and only add in a few fruits here and there to help make the juice taste a bit sweeter. 
Michael Rahman, N.D. and Jamie Smellie, N.D.

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