Sunday, July 20, 2014

Five Ways to Stay In The Competitive Zone Before a Race

Most people on the Healthy and Active Lifestyle program start feeling so great that they begin jogging, running and then participating in long walks and runs for charities. Many people also become so fit that they start competing in marathons and even triathlons.

Many runners excel at beating their own time when running alone, but once they are in a competitive atmosphere they get a case of the butterflies.   Here are some ways that professional runners calm themselves so that they can stay focused and conserve energy before a big race or run.

1.    Get some time alone.

When you are racing it is really easy to pick up on the edginess of your fellow competitors.  Nervous energy can be very contagious and also exhausting.  Confusion can reign during most races as coaches, family and rivals pick up on the super-charged atmosphere.

One way to deal with this excitement is to arrive at the site early and assess the terrain. Figure out where the washrooms are, where you can change, where you can get water and where you can go for a couple of minutes, to get away from people, meditate and get in the zone.

2.    Breathe deep and visualize the win.

Whether you are in a crowd of competitors or not it is still quite easy for you to take a moment opt yourself practice breathing deep from your belly. Think of this deep breathing as steadying yourself and oxygenating your body so that is ready for the challenge ahead. Breathing deeply also helps your brain coordinate better with your body so that physically you become a better competitor.  Meditation time is also the ideal time to visualize achieving your goal or winning the race.

3.    Empty your bowels and bladder.

You will more than likely be a better competitor if you have fully emptied your bowels and bladder before you embark on the race course.  This way too, you can avoid having to line up to visit a port-a-potty.  Physically you will feel lighter, more energetic and the matter of having to go to the bathroom will not be on your mind just before the race.

4.    Do a warm up.

It is important to do a through warm up before each race anyway, so you might as well take advantage of the fact that mild exercise also relies stress. It also gives you the opportunity to ignore what is going on around you and not become involved in issues or activities that might make your muscles tense and burn up your energy before you have even had a chance to get to the finish line. Warming up is also key because it helps prevent injuries.

5.  Listen to music.

One way to get away from it all is to wear headphones and play music or positive affirmations.  Choose music that is uplifting and that energizes you and helps you maintain a competitive mindset.  However, do not get so immersed in this music that you miss important announcements about the race. 

Finally, it is important tore member that the more you trained for a race beforehand, the less likely you are to become nervous when it is time to compete in a big event.

For more information about the Healthy & Active Program please visit our website at You may also call us in Toronto at (41) 440-2217 and ask for Adrienne Wright Bulow or Dr. Michael Rahman or email us at

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