Monday, July 14, 2014

5 Must Have Post Workout Recovery Tools

One way to rev your metabolism is to work out as often as you can. Most human beings do not work out every day, unless they are endurance athlete. Many individuals who partake in the Healthy and Active program feel so great they are inspired to work out longer and push their body to the limits. 

It is tempting to push your body to the very limits but it is also a mistake to do so to the extent that you suffer from strains and fatigue. 

Rest and Recovery Are Part of The Work Out Equation

Your workouts will be mot effective at sculpting your body if you give yourself some time to recover after a workout.  This is because your system needs balance to in order to function optimally. When you take time to recover after exercise then your body produces less post work out inflammation and more hormones that can help rev up your metabolism.

Here are the top five ways to make sure that your body stays in good working order.

1. Get a full night’s sleep.

One of the best ways to recover from exercise is to get a full night’s sleep.  The most restorative sleep phase occurs in the first few hours after you doze off at night. Make sure that you get enough sleep every day so that your body is in a regular pattern of regeneration.

2.  Stay well nourished.

It is important to keep your metabolism by consuming delicious alkaline foods every day. We are most vulnerable to eating the non-nutritious foods just after a heavy workout because strenuous exercise can trigger cravings. This is the time when you should exercise some self-control and choose food that is fresh, organic and raw.  Eating sugar, carbs or a lot of salt, especially those found in “energy drinks” can throw your system out of whack by raising your blood pressure and blood sugar levels.

3.  Drink plenty of water.

It is important to rehydrate your body every single chance that you get. After a strenuous workout you should try to drink two eight-ounce servings of water for every hour you were sweating heavily. A sign that you may not be drinking enough water is if you are experiencing darker urine.
4. Stretch your body after a work out too.

We have all heard of stretching our bodies before a workout, but stretching them after a workout can help you recover from exercise faster.  The type of exercises that are best for this are called isometric exercises. You can find these moves on the EXOS learning page titled Beginner’s Guide to Active Isolated Stretching at

All you need to accomplish these moves is a length of skipping rope that you will wrap around your feet so that you can position yourself to do stretches that mildly stretch your muscles about twenty percent more than you usually would.

5.  Get frequent massages.

Whenever you can afford it or have the time tube sure to get a massage. This is one of the most effective ways to minimize post-workout pain. One way to give yourself a massage is rub your body with washcloths soaked in ice water after you have worked out.  This is the secret way that professional athletes find relief from tight sore muscles.

If you practice these five ways of recovering faster, you will be able get back to your next workout routine faster.  You will also have more energy and be able to work out at an optimal pace, rather than at the slower pace that is necessary when you are sore and fatigued.

For more information about the Healthy & Active Program please visit our website at You may also call us in Toronto at (41) 440-2217 and ask for Adrienne Wright Bulow or Dr. Michael Rahman or email us at

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