Saturday, September 19, 2015

Your Diet and Your Eye Health

Many people who embark on the Healthy & Active Plan find their eyesight improves once they improve their lifestyle and diet. Like all other parts of the human body the eyes, the proverbial windows of the soul, need to be nourished and cared for. Eye health is about making sure that they are not subjected to inadequate light, too much ultraviolet light or strain.  Otherwise you could experience eyes that are tired, bloodshot, infected, irritated, itchy, ulcerated, dry, sensitive to light or watery.

You could also suffer from compromised vision in any of its forms including the need for reading glasses, bifocals or trifocals and  the type of macular degeneration that eventually leads to blindness.

Dietary Recommendations For Beautiful Eyes

To keep your eyes healthy you are well advised to include vegan sources of A, C, E and all of the B vitamins such as broccoli, raw cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, green vegetables, squash, sunflower seeds and watercress.

Eliminating sugar and white flour from diet can also help keep your eyes healthy and prevent kidney and liver dysfunction that in turn can lead to problems with vision. For instance, an overloading of sugar leads to diabetes and then eventually blindness.

Lifestyle Habits That Lead to Great Vision

If you were glasses or sunglasses  wear clear lenses that have been treated to help prevent damage from ultraviolet rays.  By the very best lenses that you can afford so that your vision is always crystal clear. Nikon makes lightweight lenses of high quality that are sold by most prescription eyewear outlets.

Never use hair dyes on eyelashes or eyebrows as that can cause blindness and be sure to remove all eye make up at night to reduce the risk of eye infection and eye strain due to minute mascara particles falling in your eyes.

Be aware also that there are many types of drugs that can cause damage to the yes. These include cortisone drugs, aspirins, anticoagulants such as warfarin and heparin, diuretics,sulfa drugs and tetracycline. Studies have shown that taking Valium, Haldol and antidepressants can also damage the eyes.

Smoking marijuana or cigarettes can also cause macular degeneration. If you want healthy eyes, quit smoking

To prevent bloodshot eyes, avoid situations that cause eyestrain or fatigue such as driivng for too many hours at night, sitting in front of a computer for too many hours in a row or enduring wood smoke or cigarette smoke for a great length of time.

Taking good care of your eyes can help prevent such conditions as eyestrain, floaters, dry eyes, loss of vision, macular degeneration, blindness, eye infections or bags under the eyes.

For more information about the Healthy & Active Program please visit our website at You may also call us in Toronto at (41) 440-2217 and ask for Adrienne Wright Bulow or Dr. Michael Rahman or email us at

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