For some people changing their lifestyle can be
very difficult. They can suffer from withdrawal symptoms from the old lifestyle
on three levels: physical, mental and emotional. Physical pains can come from some very real
changes in biochemical processes in the body. Psychological pain can result if
the bad habit was somehow protective of an inner vulnerability. Mental issues
such as foggy thinking or memory loss can be the result of liver cleansing and
the fatigue that can come with a body that is trying to repair and cleanse
Common Withdrawal Symptoms
The good thing is these symptoms pass in just a
couple of days. Many people become
cranky and lethargic. It is very common
to get headaches, foggy thinking and fatigued. If you are quitting caffeine or
cigarettes, you could get constipated.
Some people have insufferable cravings for
sugar when they go on one of these fasts.
Caffeine addicts can also have a hard time. Both caffeine and sugar are really hard to
withdraw from if you have been eating it any day.
If you are a steady drinker and you give up
alcohol, you will likely experience the stress and anxiety that you were trying
to blot out with your drinking. If you
are drinking to obliterate reality then you might see changing your habits as a
chance to deal with your problems and traumas.
Sometimes breaking a bad habit is not as bad as
it seems especially when your start producing your own endorphins as the result
of exercising more and eating right. This decreases your dependence on whatever
it is you are addicted to in life whiter it be sugar, fat, salt, nicotine or
Alcohol acts a lot like sugar does in the body
and you may feel agitated if you don’t get your fix. Giving up caffeine makes some people very
moody and jittery. Giving up gluten
(breads and starches), however, sometimes gives some people an immediate relief
from any irritable bowel type symptoms. Processed flours also act in the body
much the same way sugar does.
Meatless Without Misery
Not eating meat can make some people feel quite
lethargic as well. There are plenty of proteins and amino acids in plant-based
food, without all the unhealthy fat and additives. However, if meat was the
mainstay of your diet before the fast you may not feel that great and
experience a lot of cravings until you get used to the idea of eating more
alkaline foods. Alkaline foods tend to
be vegan whereas meats tend to be acidic in nature.
Not Everyone Has Symptoms
Some people do not have a hard time at all when
they switch from an acidic to alkaline diet and almost everyone feels lighter
and more energetic within a day or two of eliminating acidic foods from their
diet and replacing them with more alkaline ones.
Be patient. Your physicality needs to have a chance
to find its own natural balance.
After changing your diet from an acidic one to
an alkaline one you are left with more balanced blood sugar and freedom from
old addictions. You will hopefully be
onto a newer and healthier routine that includes the balancing of your blood
sugar, weight loss and freedom from addictions.
For more information about the Healthy & Active Program
please visit our website at You may also call us in Toronto at (41) 440-2217 and ask for
Adrienne Wright Bulow or Dr. Michael Rahman or email us at
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