Tuesday, September 29, 2015

What Good Nutrition Means For Your Metabolism

The Healthy & Active Plan HAP is a program designed to help you optimized your nutrition so you can improve your metabolism. So how does good nutrition improve your metabolism?

So how does good nutrition improve your metabolism?

When you eat a healthier diet, than your brain receives more blood and oxygen.
You also think more clearly, have more energy, need less sleep. Your brain may actually grow more brain cells because it is not expending all of its energy producing hormones to repair all of the damage you have done your body by eating a bad diet full of junk food, acidic foods, refined foods, sugar, sodium and fat.

Your circulation will improve and your face will glow. More blood to the surface of the skin will make you appear to have less wrinkles.  You won’t be as tired and have more energy to exercise, which in turn also gives you an overall more youthful stance and appearance.

Your heart also receives more blood flow when you eat right.  This staves off fatigue and your brain also receives more blood flow and therefore produces more energy. Your ability to think clearly is enhance and you simply feel more focused and calm.

Increased blood flow also means that you have more stamina in bed. Your sexual organs receive more blood flow, so you may become more potent— you won’t need Cialis or Viagra to function anymore!

For many people, these are choices worth making—not just to live longer, but also to live a better quality life. Most people who do so are amazed at how much healthier they feel and are sorry that they did not do it sooner.

Here are the benefits of eating more alkaline foods summed up in a nutshell –
  •       Giving your digestive organs a break
  •       Purification
  •       Rejuvenation
  •       Better Sleep
  •       Clearer skin
  •       Less flatulence
  •       Looking youthful
  •       Improved senses: vision, hearing, taste
  •       Reduction of allergies
  •       Weight loss
  •       Drug and alcohol detoxification
  •       Better resistance to disease

As you can see from the above list, eating well can contribute to your well being in general.

By contrast, meals high in fat, sugar, and calories cause your arteries to constrict, so blood flow is reduced. The same is true of chronic stress. Nicotine, caffeine, cocaine and amphetamines also hurt your body. So does a lack of exercise. So do many prescription and over the counter medications that are acidic in nature and can harm your health.

Your brain receives less oxygen if you eat badly. You and your skin will look older. You will lose fertility and oxygen and seem a lot older than you actually are … this is a slippery slope that can lead to fatigue, premature aging and eventually chronic disease.

For more information about the Healthy & Active Program please visit our website at www.healthy-active.com. You may also call us in Toronto at (41) 440-2217 and ask for Adrienne Wright Bulow or Dr. Michael Rahman or email us at adrienne@healthy-active.com.

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