Wednesday, August 27, 2014

How A Raw Vegan Diet Fits Into a Healthy and Active Lifestyle

Eating raw means exactly that! It means that that you will not be eating food that is fried, baked, broiled, stewed or otherwise heated. Eating raw is conducive to the Health and Active Lifestyle because you do not eat meat, eggs dairy products and animal products or animal derived products. It also means refusing to eat foods that are processed using animal by-products or ones that use refined white sugar. Purists on a vegan diet also do not consume whey or honey.

Permissible foods include grains, beans, legumes, vegetables and fruits and whatever meals you can fathom by combining these ingredients as long as you are eating them raw. However if you are going through the Happy and Active lifestyle program, you should stay away from those foods that you have been told are not beneficial to you.

Why Eat Raw?

Eating raw generally means getting more nutrition for eating less. Most of us eat food that is heated over 188 degrees, which destroys most of its nutrients.  Cooking food also destroys many of the natural enzymes that are used by the body to break down food for digestion and facilitate the absorption of nutrients and the expelling of waste.  Old dead food that is processed, salty and stoked with chemical preservatives simply passes through the body with no real benefits.
There are a lot of benefits to eating raw and that includes more energy during the day and less sleep at night.  When you eat raw you can practically feel your skin healing itself at night.  You have more than enough fibre to keep your bowel movements regular, which in turn improves cell respiration and fights cell oxidization and aging.

Yet another benefit of eating raw is that you can eat as much as you want without becoming toxic or clogging up your system. You never have to go hungry because raw foods are complex carbohydrates that have a low glycemic index. 

Eat Organically

To optimize your benefits from eating raw it is important to eat food that is live and not “deadened” by processing and preservation techniques. Stick to foods that are grown organically and locally.  It also means eating foods that are fresh and staying away from consumables that have been sitting around spoiling too long or that must be refrigerated or cooked to be palatable.  It means giving up gluten, alcohol and nicotine. These are all non-nutrients that create an acidic state in the body.  Once we are too acidic, our body becomes a welcome host for all kinds of disease.

Keep in mind that when you eat vegan you will be eating mostly produce and you will also be eating mostly raw.  Buy whole fresh, locally grown produce without blemishes. Balsamic vinegar, agave nectar, tahini sauce, peanut butter, and vegetable sauces are acceptable to have on hand. Read labels before you buy because many vegetable based stocks tend to be very high in sodium.

It is a really good idea to keep as many spices and herbs on hand as you can.  Fresh herbs can be grown or stored in the fridge.  The most versatile fresh herbs to have on hand are rosemary, dill, thyme, basil and parsley.]

For many people, the choice to eat raw is worth making—not just to live longer, but also to live better.

For more information about the Healthy & Active Program please visit our website at You may also call us in Toronto at (41) 440-2217 and ask for Adrienne Wright Bulow or Dr. Michael Rahman or email us at

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Cinnamon: A Fat-Burning Super Spice

Cinnamon is a great spice that is a known fat-burner. This aromatic delight also prevents diabetes and is so potent that when taken in capsule form on a daily basis, it can help lower your blood sugar. However, cinnamon is so delicious it seems a waste to take it in a capsule when there are so other ways to enjoy its healing components.

The Benefits of Eating Cinnamon

The Cinnamon Plant
There are actually two types of cinnamon: true (or Sri Lankan) cinnamon and cassia cinnamon. Both come from the bark of an evergreen tree and both can help you to lose weight because they are in the same plant family. They do differ slightly in taste because cassia is slightly sweeter but hotter than true cinnamon. It is also easier to find cassia unless you visit specialty shops that sell spices from India.

As a potent antioxidant, eating cinnamon reduces your risk for developing cancer. In fact, some people have been able to give up smoking by placing a stick of cinnamon in their mouths instead of a cigarette.

Cinnamon contains 11 vitamins and minerals. One teaspoon is a significant source of manganese and calcium. It can decrease the amount of LDL and triglycerides in the blood stream, which leads to a reduction in the overall blood stream cholesterol levels. Cinnamon will also help lower your blood pressure and decrease your risk heart problems.

This tasty gift from nature also has constituents in it that help you increase muscle mass. Cinnamon’s ability to regulate blood sugar is not just good for diabetics, it is also good for those who want to lose weight and for athletes. It has a great deal of chromium in it that helps to prevent cravings and decrease feelings of hunger.

Never try to eat a teaspoon of cinnamon (or any spice for that matter) by itself. Spices are ground finely and can cause serious lung irritations and infections if inhaled. Eating a spoonful of cinnamon will cause you to cough and inhale these fine particles. In addition, you can end up choking to death from it.  So use the spice with moderation and do not overdo it when preparing food.

Adding More Cinnamon To Your Diet

In the morning, prepare your plain oatmeal and add ½ teaspoon cinnamon and 1 teaspoon vanilla extract to it. Chop an apple or a banana and stir into the pieces into the yogurt. Or add cinnamon and a sprinkle of sugar on top of your waffles or toast instead of syrup.

For a snack, consider adding 1 teaspoon cinnamon and 2 tablespoons honey to 1 cup of yogurt. Or add a little cinnamon to some hot tea or coffee. 

Cinnamon can also make just about any non-dairy beverage taste better. Add it to coconut milk or almond milk to give it a bit more of a punch.

Cinnamon can also be used to season your treats, like popcorn, kale chips and dry toasts. It is also great mixed with cream cheese.

You can also incorporate more cinnamon into your diet by adding it quite liberally to spicy Indian or Chinese style dishes. It can add a bit of a sweet bite to curry and other sauces.

For more information about the Healthy & Active Program please visit our website at You may also call us in Toronto at (41) 440-2217 and ask for Adrienne Wright Bulow or Dr. Michael Rahman or email us at

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Superfood Spotlight: The Good Fats in Avocadoes

Many years ago, it was thought that all fat was bad. In the time since the invention of the low-fat or no-fat diet, we have learned that some fats are not only good for your body, but also necessary. In fact, in the past twenty years Americans have decreased their dietary fat intake by 7% while increasing their obesity by 50%.

Fats are difficult for your body to dissolve, so it must spend extra energy doing it. They also help prevent blood-sugar spikes and are required for the absorption of some nutrients. When people decrease fat from their diet, they tend to replace them with high-calorie alternatives that are not only unhealthy but require less energy to digest.  Avocados are an amazing source of this good fat.

Avocado is Actually A Superfruit

Officially, avocados are a fruit. The oleic acid they contain is a monounsaturated fat, which will lower LDL (bad cholesterol) levels while raising levels of HDL (or good cholesterol). In addition, avocadoes are packed with vegetable fiber.

The high fat content does not just give you empty calories. Avocados contain many B vitamins, vitamins, C, E, and K, magnesium, copper, manganese, and potassium. In fact, avocados contain more potassium than a banana, which improves nervous system and circulatory system functioning. The nutrients in an avocado are required for metabolism and promote a healthy immune system.

Avocado is noted for reducing the pain of angina and preventing cancer in the colon, moth and esophagus. It is a filling food that prevents you from loading up on junk food if you are dieting.Adding an avocado into your diet as a between meal snack will lower the amount of food you eat at your next meal.

Avocados provide a complete range of essential amino acids. Just two tablespoons (1/5 of an avocado) of the fruit are considered a serving of mashed avocado, but you can one whole one each day. Keep in mind that one medium avocado contains about 23 grams of fat (1/3 of your daily requirement) and 250 calories, so adjust the rest of your fat and calorie intake accordingly.

Adding Avocadoes to Your Diet

Avocadoes make delicious smoothies. Combine 1 avocado, 1 banana, 1 ½ cups coconut milk, 2 ½ - 3 cups ice, ¼ cup honey, and ½ cup vanilla Greek yogurt in a mixer. Blend until smooth.

Avocados are easy to add to your salads. Try spinach, sliced avocado, baby mozzarella balls, and grape tomatoes drizzled with Italian dressing. 

For exciting guacamole, mash 1 ripe avocado, 2 tablespoons lemon juice, ¼ cup chopped cilantro, and salt and pepper to taste. Stir in 1 diced tomato, 1 finely chopped jalapeno pepper, and ¼ cup finely diced onion. Serve the traditional way with chips or top your burger with it.

Avocadoes can also be used as a substitute for fats such as butter and oil in baking muffins and cakes.

For more information about the  Healthy & Active Program please visit our website at You may also call us in Toronto at (41) 440-2217 and ask for Adrienne Wright Bulow or Dr. Michael Rahman or email us at

Saturday, August 9, 2014

How to Grow Long Hair Fast!

When you are aging, on a restricted diet or recovering from a disease you may notice your hair thinning, refusing to grow longer than a certain length and other issues.

How Much Should Your Hair Grow?

Egg Yolk Is Good Source of Biotin
Sometimes, what seems like is a long time for hair to grow is a matter of our own impatience. It is normal to grow about a half an inch per month. At least, that is the average. If you are growing more length than that per month then you are truly blessed, especially if you are older.  If it is growing less than that, a month, which is less than average, then you might consider taking some of these suggested steps so that you can grow a lovely mane faster.

1.  Consume lots of protein.  Hair is made of keratinized protein. It just will not manifest any length if you do not eat enough protein in the form of meat or veganized protein a month. Drinking a healthy shake with added vegan protein can help stimulate hair growth.  Other foods that contain protein that are helpful when it comes to growing long luscious locks are seafood, nuts, eggs, milk and whole grains.

2.  Add biotin to a meal. A way to double up on your protein is to add a whey protein supplement to a glass of milk. Crack an egg yolk in it to get an extra dose of biotin, which also helps to keep your hair strands healthy.

3.   Take a vitamin supplement that is specifically designed to help grow hair. Good hair supplements will contain silica, sulphur, zinc and vitamin B6 (also known as biotin) and folic acid.  If you find hair vitamins really expensive you can consider taking vitamins for pregnant women which contain extra B6 and folic acid and tend to be a lot cheaper then designer vitamins.  Other helpful ingredients that support hair health and growth are magnesium, omega 3 oils, nettle, and B vitamins.

Make Sure Nutrients Reach Your Hair Follicles

Mino acids and vitamins may never reach your hair follicles if you have compromised blood circulations.  It can really help if you message your scalp regularly using your fingertips, preferably with an oil that helps to encourage hair growth like Argan oil. There are also many Ayurveda oil formulations that are meant to be massaged vigorously into your scalp so that your hair follicles are cleansed and exfoliated and ready to sprout new strands.

Any activity that you do that is aerobic in nature is also very healthy for your hair.  Doing some kind of aerobic activity such as swimming, jogging or bike riding can go a long way to making sure your circulation is healthy and that enough blood is reaching the follicles on your scalp to support hair growth.

If you are not sure what is causing your hair loss or slow hair growth then a nutritional consultation or a blood test might be helpful in revealing what the root of the problem might be. Blood testing is a standard part of the Healthy and Active program that we offer.

For more information about the Healthy & Active Program please visit our website at You may also call us in Toronto at (41) 440-2217 and ask for Adrienne Wright Bulow or Dr. Michael Rahman or email us at